Embedded Systems as Part of the Internet of Things Ecosystem

The global market for embedded systems is growing at a staggering rate, driven by the rise in demand for portable computing devices and embedded M2M solutions. The trend towards automation in processing and manufacturing sectors, as well as continued evolution of low-cost pervasive computing and the Internet of Things have become other key market drivers for the last few years.

Huge growth of the embedded systems market can be largely attributed to the rapid development of the Internet of Things. It is expected that by 2020, more than 30 billion devices will be connected to the global Internet of Things.

The modern concept of the Internet of Things is based on the idea that all devices should be able to communicate with other devices and services regardless of their platform, creating a connected ecosystem and thus eliminating isolation.

This foundation is one of the main reasons for the transformation of the embedded systems market. Today, it is moving in the direction of the development of intellectual systems (sensors, machines, mechanisms, devices, etc.) that are connected in one computing network with the purpose of receiving and processing data to increase productivity in various industries or to improve the user’s comfort at the consumer level.

The deployment of such intellectual systems requires the well-coordinated efforts of different market players, including both components suppliers (processors, microprocessors, controllers, sensors, etc.), and end products manufacturers (consumer electronics, industrial equipment, cars, planes etc.) and software developers who can customize these systems for specific customers, connect them to the cloud, and provide interoperability with other systems in the customer’s infrastructure.

Collaboration of Embedded Solutions Manufacturers and Software Developers

Such significant growth of the embedded systems market and the number of connected devices (both to the network and to each other) create a critical need for software developers who understand the complications of the ecosystem built up by semiconductor companies, turnkey systems suppliers, and system integrators and who have significant experience in the area of embedded solutions development.

In simple terms, someone should be able to make sensors speak the language of the device or equipment manufacturer and of the end user (i.e. to provide gathering of relevant information, its analysis, display, and interaction with other manufacturers’ systems). Certain details of this “language” might vary based on the goals of the particular OEM, and sensors (controllers, microprocessors, etc.) manufacturers do not always have enough resources to perform “translation” (i.e. adjust to those goals). This is why they would require the assistance of an experienced embedded software development company.

Auriga’s Experience in Embedded Software Development

Auriga brings over 30 years of embedded and system-level software development experience, serving startups and large multinationals. We offer sophisticated, flexible solutions tailored to meet stringent telecom requirements.

Auriga has extensive experience in working with Linux OS and kernel development; knowledge of target platforms (ARM, x86, frameworks); expertise related to IDE, compilers, optimization, emulation, and virtual machines; as well as testing and problem analysis skills. This allows Auriga to participate directly in the development, customization, and support of embedded systems.

More information about Auriga’s expertise in this area can be found on our website.