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US-based energy saving company hired Auriga to replace a set of customized outdated desktop energy audit solutions and related DB with new web-based unified platform and cloud storage to enhance experience for 5K+ users.
A worldwide recognized leader in IT industry tasked Auriga to provide 3600 support for its IT educational large-scale web-portal with 100K+ users, including introducing new online services, performance optimization and support.
US-based data-loss prevention software company hired Auriga to provide porting and re-engineering services for its Windows-based flagship solution to new platforms to increase market share and gain industry leadership.
A manufacturer of diagnostic equipment and software for the energy industry contracted Auriga to develop a web-based portal to manage wireless controllers (tablet devices) aimed at electrical field testing.
A worldwide leader in medical device manufacturing tasked Auriga to develop an affordable patient monitoring solution for emerging markets.
A EU-based vendor of hemodialysis treatment systems hired Auriga to provide verification of the new enhanced version of their flagship product.
Auriga ported the infusion pump controlling application from a legacy platform to a modern ARM M4 platform and to a new RTOS.