One of the major EU-based manufacturing companies tasked Auriga to develop a solution analyzing visitor’s behavior on the web portal and purchase history to predict prospective purchase, increase engagement and boost sales.
- 55K users records, 7K web-pages, 5K positions in store.
- Churn prediction: refactoring and improvement of existing approach.
- Data processing transferred from Azure + BigQuery to AWS Redshift.
- Accuracy for recommender system increased (0.83).
- Data processing accelerated by 10x (1 hour -> 5 minutes).
- Data inconsistency decreased (16% -> 5%).
- Fully automated cloud CI/CD.
- Recommender system: developed from the scratch in 3 months from start.
- Increased level of customer’s engagement in sales process and communications (>10%).
- Increased sales turnover irrespective of seasonal and other effects.
- Scheduling and data processing pipeline fully automated.
- Notification system launched.